Thursday, April 12, 2018

Coconut Milk

Lately I've been really into zero waste shopping, and I've had to find recipes for a lot of my staples. One thing I use ALL the time is coconut milk, and now instead of buying it in cans I make my own, without any trash! Here is how:

Find a grocery store or co-op that sells (unsweetened) coconut flakes in bulk. Use your own jar or cloth bag to buy the cococnut flakes by the pound--you will need one pound for this recipe.

Coconut Milk (makes about three, 15oz cans worth):
  • 1 lb unsweetened coconut flakes
  • Four cups water
Add the coconut and water to a highspeed blender, let it sit for a few minutes. Blend on high for one to two minutes, until coconut has dissolved. Strain through a nut milk bag (keep the pulp), and put the milk into an airtight container. You can freeze it in a glass mason jar, just make sure to leave 1 inch room at the top. 1.5 cups = 1 store bought can.

For the pulp: Spread it out on a baking sheet and bake at the lowest temp (170) for a couple hours. Then, pulverize in a blender or food processor and you'll have coconut flour. Great for gluten free baking.