Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Easy Potato Lunch

I love potatoes. Sometimes I'll have baked potatoes all week for lunch, topped with a variety of things, but my simplest meal is just a baked potato + hummus. This meal has a few more ingredients. It's still super simple, and has a lot of protein and flavor. Recipe is for one serving, and I've linked the chili brand I buy as well as the chili recipe I make, and the tofu I add to this dish:
  • 1 baked potato (I use Yukon gold)
  • 1 cup homemade vegan chili (or 1/2 can vegan chili)
  • Tofu (optional)
  • Guacamole or sliced avocado
  • Hot sauce (optional)
Bake the potato, and top it with warm chili and avocado (or guac). Add on spiced tofu, hot sauce, crunched up tortilla chips, a squeeze of lime, or anything else you'd like.

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