Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mexican Quinoa

This dish is perfect to have for your lunches throughout the week. It takes less than 20 minutes to make, and yields 4 servings:
  • 1 cup dry quinoa
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1.5 cups black beans (or a 15 oz can)
  • 2 cups corn
  • Large jar of your favorite salsa (18oz or so)
  • 2 Tbsp Taco Seasoning
  • Avocado or guacamole
Cook the quinoa by boiling 1.5 cups water, adding the dry quinoa, and set to a simmer for 15 minutes. Fluff the quinoa with a fork, add all other ingredients, and mix well. Serve with sliced avocado or guacamole on top. Add hot sauce, other seasonings, different veggies, eat with corn chips.. anything you like!

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